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dependent dylib is not prebound

Is your Mac sluggish and running slow?

Are your Office apps refusing to run?

Your automated prebinding updates may be failing.

Run the command
sudo update_prebinding -debug -root / -force
If you get the following error:

dyld: re-prebound: 0x90bee000 /usr/lib/libgcc_s.1.dylib
update_prebinding: error: dependent dylib is not prebound
update_prebinding: error 256 running update_prebinding_core
then edit the update-prebinding-paths file (this has the list of files to prebind: the one that fails is immediately after the last one to succeed)
sudo emacs /var/db/dyld/update-prebinding-paths.txt
Search for libgcc_s.1.dylib, and comment out the next line (by adding the #) so it reads
#/Applications/Utilities/Java/Java Web \
Save the file, then try updating the prebindings again. For me, the next (and final) failure was after libjsound.jnilib. So I comment out the following line
On the next try everything else went through. My Powerbook is much snappier.

It seems that you may need to reinstall Flash Player after doing this. Try the Adobe Shockwave and Flash player test to check. First uninstall previous versions. Shockwave will still only work if you run your browser under Rosetta. Flash is Universal


Repairing your laptop startup disk

The easiest way is to find another Mac running OSX. Restart your laptop in Target Disk Mode (either via system preferences, or hold the T key down while restarting). Connect the two machines by firewire, and run Disk Utility on the other Mac.

Repairing the disk may take some time - so don't rely on battery operation, connect to mains power.

Repairing the disk may fail, so backup a copy of crucial files before starting the repair.

Microsoft Office 2004 broken: dead as a parrot

Quicktime 7.2 update breaks Office 2004 on Intel Powerbook

For solution, see below

If you haven't yet installed QT7.2, my advice is to wait!

Here's what happened to me:

  • Office Update 11.3.6 refuses to launch.
  • MS Word refuses to launch!
  • MS Powerpoint refuses to launch.
  • MS Excel refuses to launch.
  • decide to remove Office, and reinstall!
  • MS Office refuses to install—the installer won't run.
  • Remove all traces of Office in preferences etc.!
  • MS office installer won't run.
  • !

macfixit has some suggestions these didn't work for me.

It seems that the prebinding of the java libraries is at fault!

Steps to Fix:

Remove Java 6

> su Administrator
> cd /Library/Receipts/JavaSE6Release1.pkg/Contents
> lsbom -s -f > /tmp/file-list
Edit /tmp/file-list to replace all " " with "\ " and all "./" with "rm /" (I use emacs for this.)

> sudo bash /tmp/file-list
> rm -r /Library/receipts/JavaSE6Release1.pkg
> sudo update_prebinding

I removed the following

sudo rm -r /Library/Receipts/JavaForMacOSX10.4Release5.pkg
and installed it again. (From



The following Macs have the 802.11n hardware built-in:

  • * MacBook Pro with Intel Core 2 Duo
  • * MacBook with Intel Core 2 Duo
  • * Mac Pro with AirPort Extreme option
  • * iMac with Intel Core 2 Duo (except the 17-inch, 1.83GHz iMac)

However, you will have to upgrade the firmware.

The CD that comes with your new airport extreme base station contains the AirPort Extreme 802.11n enabler, which updates the firmware on your airport card to enable 802.11n high-speed WiFi:

  • 74 - 248 Mbit/s
  • 70 - 160 metres range

If you buy a third-party 802.11n base station, you can get the enabler from the Apple store for $1.99

Zip it up

To zip a directory:
Select the folder in the Finder.
From the File menu, select Create Archive of "<foldername>"
that's all!
Leopard update:
In Leopard the menu entry reads Compress "<foldername>"

You have created a zip archive <foldername>.zip

To unzip, double-click the file <foldername>.zip