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LATEX Equation Editor

La TeX Equation Editor
In an earlier post I mentioned LATEXiT, by Pierre Chatelier. The LATEX Equation Editor is similar in function—and not entirely dissimilar in appearance.
I'm not sure yet which I prefer. Both are free—try both. If you already downloaded LATEXiT last year, make sure you try the latest version.
If you have a Fink tetex installation, you must set the preferences for LATEX Equation Editor to specify that LATEX is in /sw/bin/ and ghostscript in /sw/share.
LaTeX Equation Editor prefences See also mimetex and LATEX render.

iRecordMusic-record streaming audio as mp3 or mp4 (AAC)

Supports broadcasts in RealAudio and WindowsMedia, the preferred audio formats of many radio stations. Records to a variety of formats. This US$25 program lets you record clips from BBC Radio Player. Free demo version limits recordings to 15 minutes maximum. Radiotastic is a Dashboard widget for listening live and real-time recording of Internet audio.