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ant java Shark: XrunShark

You want to use Shark to profile your java code - and you want an ant target that runs your jar file under Shark. You have to call the jvm with the option -XrunShark

Create a new target in your build.xml file

<target name="profile" depends="jar"
        description="Run jar file (no args) with Shark profiler">
     <java jar="${jarfile}" fork="yes" failonerror="true">
         <jvmarg value="-XrunShark"/>

Start Shark, then run
ant profile

Shark is a profiling tool included in the CHUD package. CHUD is an optional install which comes with XCode Tools. The CHUD installer is in the Packages folder, and installs Shark in /Developer/Applications/Performance Tools



Unison, courtesy of Benjamin Pierce is a file-synchronization tool for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts (or different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.

I have Unison installed using FinkCommander (see my blogitem on Intel port of Fink) - as a by-product this also gives you an installation of ocaml. Unison is an "unstable" packackage installed from source, so to install it you first need to install Apples's XCode and X11 SDK (from the Tiger installation disks) to provide the compilers, headers etc neded to build the application. Then in Fink Commander Preferences select "Use unstable packages" (Fink tab). From the menus run Source>SelfUpdate then Source>UpdateAll. Finally, select the unison package then install from source (click the .h icon).

To use unison to synchronise your mac with your DICE files, run unison from the command-line in an X terminal window using the server. The DICE unison installation may not be the latest, so use 'unison-[version]' to run a matching version on the Mac. (eg unison-2.10.2). Current DICE version is 2.12.0 - this is not included in the Fink package.

Shuly Wintner provides a variety of binary versions with native Mac UI. Get the 2.12.0 version, to match the unison server on DICE - it appears to run fine under rosetta.


Real Player for OSX Intel

Real Player Universal Binary is now available - build 412.

Note that this version is not mirrored on all download sites (the London UK site hosted by demon still has build 352, PPC only). I used one of the Seattle sites to get 412. You can check which build you have downloaded using get Info (command-I).

Once you've downloaded the correct build and put the put it into your applications folder, quit all web browsers; open the RealPlayer application, go through the setup process, which will install the plugin needed to access RealPlayer content on the web, such as BBC Radio Player.

You can then change Safari to run native — unless you want to view Shockwave content!

In the finder use get Info (command-I) then click "Open using Rosetta".

Since the RealPlayer plugin is compiled to PPC code you have to ensure Safar is run under Rosetta - an application running native Intel code cannot use a PPC plugin.

BBC Radio Player uses RealPlayer, so you need the same trick to run BBC Radio player on an Intel Mac.


DivX for OSX 10.4 Intel

Since the DivX plugin is compiled to PPC code you have to ensure Quicktime or Safari run under Rosetta - in the finder use get Info (command-I) then click "Open using Rosetta". Update 2006:04:12 The plugin provided by the official release of DivX Player for Macintosh is a Universal binary. You can run it native. Curiosly, the DivX Converter and DivX Player are still PPC. Download the DivX 6 for Mac Installer.pkg
Double-click the installer to install the codec. Restart, and use Quicktime Player or Safari, to watch the latest day's work on the building (around 1.5Mb). You can also see the day at a slower pace (around 170Mb) or a directory of other views.